The idea of establishing Dream Valley Foods Company for the production of honey bees, jam, sauces, boiled beans, juices and halva based on a comprehensive study of the Egyptian market and the world where the need for the market for more of these products and foodstuffs manufactured and packaged as a commodity for all consumers and accordingly started in 1997 until Dream Valley Food Industries became one of the leading companies in the production and distribution of food and beverages in the Middle East and became synonymous with quality among consumers throughout the region.
Quality culture is a key factor in agriculture, manufacturing and distribution. It is an integral part of developing the professional skills of our employees. We apply strict quality control standards in all our purchasing transactions.
Be the preferred brands of consumer basic products
We are committed to quality first in all aspects of our business practices.
We have a strong and important commitment to provide:
• High quality of our products to suit our discerning customers who are looking for the best and best taste.